Sunday, March 28, 2010

Just promoting some activities with my friends and my brother's blog as well.

Wish I could promote my old, shitty web page on here, but Geocities was shut down. Old address used to be but F*ing yahoo bought out geocities and it no longer exists, so my account and huge web page have been wiped out. It all happened last year but I had logged in so long ago I never noticed.

My political/cultural blog over at progressiveu, a massive undertaking of research, term papers, projects, political opining, etc. is now completely gone as well. I heard tonmight they had experienced a server crash and so all looks lost as I cvan't even sign in to my own blog. I sent them an email so hopefully I hear back. My blog was over at

All I can promote now are joint efforts with friends, friend's work, and my twin brother's blog.

First off, brother's blog is over at

My buddy, who goes alternately by Hristy and cecilmk1 has had many projects over the years, from his hilarious spoken word Zelda skit, to Sextrek, a Flash Cartoon of total depravity, as well as a great many comics, mainly of a nonsensicle transgender/anime variety, as well as his award-winning character Burrito Dude, whom we're all eagerly awaiting the return of.

Burrito Dude COMEBACK 2010!!!!!

You go, Hristy.

Here are links to Hristy's various projects, both recent and from the past:


Burrito Dude:


Great memories on this last one of various SEXY SEXY mock game reviews and insanity.

Hott The Comic:


Dodongo's Day (A Zelda-themed skit):

Zeldaedited Skit: (text with no audio . . so far) (Link not up yet)

Burrito Dude:

1st Appearence of Burrito Dude in Crazy Kawaii #1! Love it!

Hristy and I are planning to animate our beloved Zelda skit with plenty of nasty sexual innuendo for you open-minded types, along with more mock reviews so hang on!


Unknown said...

I approve.

Unknown said...

Me too! Almost forgot to promote plain old transgender sakiria! Very perverted! I love it!!!
